2000 DWB Mare by Ijsselmeer (pdf 98K)

Full sister to Prix St George horse Serenade. In 2010 Tiramisu showed first level with scores
from 68% to 71.3% in regional show.
2009 Black Premium Filly by Escudo II out of Premium mare by Rampal.
Multi-talented and athletic foal with a good brain and very elastic gaits.
Premium foal at her inspection! Dam has already produced a USDF HOY All Breeds winner who is now showing at 3rd level.
The Escudo line is a top producer of jumpers and hunters, as well as dressage horses.
An outstanding performance and/or breeding prospect. X-rays available.
SOLD! Congratulations To Julie Creasy on her purchase of this exciting young prospect!
2009 Premium Filly by Royal Prince out of Ijsselmeer/Grundstein mare.
Royal Ransom (Randi) was Site Champion at her foal inspection. Randi is from a mare line that has produced five FEI dressage horses, so far.
Both Ijsselmeer and Grundstein were nationally competitive Grand Prix horses.
Before his untimely death, Grundstein was for many years on the top ten sire list in Germany for
producing both dressage horses and jumpers.
Dam is a full sister to Serenade, successful competitor at Prix St George and tied for 5th in the Nation in jumping
under saddle at the KWPN-NA keuring.
Rmani, by Royal Prince out of a full sister to Randi's dam, finished 4th at Dressage at Devon
as a yearling, sold for a large sum as a three year old and is currently competing at training
level with high scores for his amateur owner in tough competition in Florida.
Royal Ransom will follow in the footsteps of her multi-talented dam line and
shows talent free jumping in addition to having three good gaits.
Should mature 15.3-16H. Solidly started under saddle . X-rays available.
SOLD! Congratulations To Liz Jenner and Laurel Ritter on the new addtion to their herd!
Filly by Worthy Opponent out of premium mare Hesper (Horizon/Avanit).
Worthy Opponent was the Reserve Champion as well as the high scoring Hanoverian stallion
at his 100 day test, scoring 135.2. Very good gaits, excellent jumping, and easy going temperament.
Dam Hesper,
a premium mare, comes from a line that has produced AHS Mare Performance Test Champion, a stallion mother,
premium mares and 5 FEI competitors. Hesper herself is the dam of
currently winning at 4th level, plus two other sons schooling FEI. This filly has impressive movement
plus the added bling of being a blond!
SOLD! Congratulations To Barbara Slaughter on her purchase of this nice filly.
2005 colt by
Royal Prince
out of mare by Ijsselmeer/Grundstein.
Royal Prince (Rohdiamont/Prince Thatch). Royal Prince is Hilltop Farms exciting new stallion who
finished 4th in the world at the 2004 FEI World Championships for Young Horses. Combining the proven
dressage lines of Rohdiamont (Rubinstein) and Prince Thatch/Wenzel, this is a young stallion to watch!
Dam's full sister is competing 4th level and was top 5 in the nation in the jumping under
saddle portion of the 2004 NA/WPN keurings.
Ijsselmeer and Grundstein have both competed successfully at Grand Prix dressage.
SOLD! Congratulations to Liz Hoger.
Rmani was chosen to represent Royal Prince at Dressage at Devon!
He finished 4th out of 30 horses in his class!
Colt by Routinier out of Tiger Lily ( Ijsselmeer/Guarantor)
Full sister to this foal,Deja Vu, is absolutely stunning! The performance lines of Rubinstein (Ger)
and Inshallah combined with the grand prix stallion Ijsselmeer and Prix St George stallion Guarantor
make an unbeatable combination, another great example of Rohdiamont crossed on Ijsselmeer.
This should be a medium sized, elegant foal with outstanding gaits and top competitive potential.
And the distinctive chrome will make him stand out above the crowd!
SOLD! Congratulations To Hilary Gebhard on her purchase of this exciting young prospect!
2012 Colt By L.A. Baltic Inspiration out of Bona Serra (Sure Hit/Ijsselmeer/Grundstein).
L.A. Baltic Inspiration competed at both dressage and grand prix jumping under Laura Chappot.
Grandsire Sure Hit (Sandro Hit/Furiosi II) was a successful upper level dressage horse.
Full sister to granddam is a successfully competitor at Intermediare I and was Top 5 in the country
jumping under saddle at the KWPN Kuerings. An athletic and very talented colt, Baccarat will be a
great horse for the experienced competitior.
SOLD! Congratulations to Saundra Novicki on her purchase of a wonderful partner!
Idylwild by Idocus out of premium mare La Raya (Rampal/Horizon)
This will be a 3/4 sibling to Caruso and a full brother to
Idocus represented the Netherlands at the
2004 Olympics, was 6th in the World Cup in 2007 and was fourth in the 2008
Olympic trials with Courtney King-Dye. In addition, Idocus is a proven producer
of both dressage hroses and hunters with wonderful dispositions. Raya has already produced
Lafitte, USDF All Breeds SWB CHampion HOY at training level and now showing
third level. This should be an athletic foal with elastic gaits and an exceptional canter.
SOLD! Congratulations to Michelle Dorsey
on her purchase of her future dressage horse!.
Older Prospects/Former Broodmares:
1997 Oldenburg mare. 16.1H Substantial, harmonious mare with rhythmic
elastic gaits by the FEI Hanoverian stallion Westcoast out of a premium mare
by the KWPN Crown FEI stallion Rampal. Not started.
was a Hanoverian stallion who showed up to Intermediare with Bent Jensen
and has already produced a Pan Am Games long listed horse. His bloodlines are
Westminister (whose sire is Weltmeister, sire of Olympic Bonfire's sire Welt As)
and on the bottom the highly regarded thoroughbred Cardinal XX.
Rampal is well known as both a successful long listed Grand Prix competitor and a prominent sire.
Grandam Alana is by Horizon (Mahon (Mahagoni) o/o full sister to dam of Hohenstein) and is a stallion mother.
Approvals: Approved main Mare book ISR/Old, ASA KWPN.
Crosses well with Rubinstein line and Idocus. Should cross well with Escudo II, see half sister
Easy breeder, great mom.
Offspring: Dam of
Uknowhu (shown as Maxximus),
High-Point Open Training level
at the Coastal Classic at his first show! Currently competing 4th Level, schooling PSG. Trainer says he will go to Grand Prix.
Also the dam of
Western Canada Adult Amateur Training Level reserve champion 2011.
Had lovely colt by Prince Optimus in 2012. More photos and video on her
Web Page.
SOLD! Congratulations To Valerie Stanol on her purchase of this proven mare.
2002 Chestnut Dutch WB mare. 16H versatile mare by Ijsselmeer (pdf 98K)
out of a Hanoverian mare by Grundstein.
Full sister to Serenade, successfully competitor at Intermediare I. The best performance bloodlines
available for riding or breeding. A bold inquisitive nature that makes her a fast learner, combined with solid conformation,
good basic gaits and jumping talent. Great amatuer temperament. Not started.
Bloodlines: Sire Ijsselmeer is performed at
Grand Prix, and grandsire Grundstein was a proven Grand Prix performer
before his untimely death. Grundstein was for many years on the top ten sire list in Germany for
producing both dressage horses and jumpers.
Verilee's full sister was tied for 5th in the Nation in jumping
under saddle at the KWPN-NA keuring.
Approvals:Approved Main Mare Book ISR/Oldenburg.
Foals eligible for KWPN-NA registration for Dutch and ASA stallions.
Offspring: Verilee has already produced three foals, one of which was
inspection champion Royal Ransom.
More photos and video on her
Web Page
SOLD!Congratulations To Valerie Stanol on her purchase of this proven mare.
2001 Dark Chestnut Oldenbug mare 15.3H by Martini out of a Guarantor/Chrysos mare
Very elastic gaits. Three generations of FEI competitors. Catera's full brother was 17H.
Not started, but can be put under saddle.
Bloodlines: In addition to competing successfully at the Grand Prix level,
for years Martini was the leading sire of USDF HOY qualifiers. The previous horse that he replaced on the list
was also there for years and is Catera's great grandsire Chrysos.
Approvals: Approved main Mare book ISR/Old.
Dam of Fanfare, Inspection Champion and one of the highest scoring Fabuleux foals in the country.
She was leased and bred to Fabuleaux again - and her colt Florian LF was colt inspection champion!
She had a lovely Contucci filly in 2011 and her equally lovely 2013 Contucci filly Charisma CBF
was a premium filly scoring 8.3.
More photos and video on her
Web Page
Sells in foal to Mannhattan
SOLD!Congratulations To Sarah Shelor on the new addtion to her broodmare herd!
1991 Chesnut Premium Oldenburg mare, 16.2H Horizon/Avanti. Producer of premium foals with great movement
and successful performance horses. A typey mare with phenominal gaits - received 8's
for gaits at her inspection.
Sire Horizon (Mahon) combines the Mahagoni line that
produced Olympic medalist Peron with the famous line of Donuawind. His dam is a full sister
to the dam of the stellar German stallion Hohenstein. Hesper's dam line is solid A and D line Hanoverian.
Hesper's 1/2 sister Wynona (out of the same dam) won the 2001 AHS Mare Performance test in Washington with
scores of 8's and one 9. She went on the become a successful competitor at Intermediare.
Hesper's half sister Alectra (out of the same dam) was also an Intermediare horse.
Alana, another 1/2 sister by Horizon, was graded into the
Dutch studbook with a ster rating and has produced a premium mare and a stallion son
approved in two registries.
Approved Premium Mare Book ISR/Old, ASA Dutch. Easy breeder, good mother.
Dam of Roubaix, Rienzo (both schooling FEI movements) and
4th place nationally USDF All Breeds ISR/OLdenburg 2nd Level AA 2009,
currently successfully showing 4th Level, set to debut PSG.
Also dam of High Society,
and Hallelujah CBF
More photos and video on her
Web Page
SOLD congratulations Lynn Tidd .
1995 Black Oldenburg mare, 15.3H
Full brother was Champion Young horse (Training Level) at Del Mar National Show,
one of the largest in Southern California).
3/4 brother was Reserve Champion in the CDS Cal Bred Futurity in 1999.
Approved Main mare book ISR/Old, Westfalen. "Katie" is also an easy
breeder and great mom. Producer of premium foals with great movement - her last foal scored 8.5 on gaits at inspection.
This gelding went on to Show Champion at Training Level at the large Dressage at the Paddock Show, L.A.
She is a forward, elastic mover with a sensitive but sensible disposition.
Ready to either proceed to a riding career or be an addition to a sporthorse breeding program.
Previously started, has had 1 year under saddle in 2002. SOLD! Congratulations to Heather Waite!
Call us for more information at 408-842-0760.
We would love to introduce you to "that special horse".